Blessings of Food in Ecuador … Thanks to Friends Like You

Thanks to friends like you, ChildHope has been able to bless many student families with food this month!

Yandry (center, 9, Ecuador Costa) is the youngest of 6 children. His father (44) died of a heart attack before he was born. Now, Yandry would like to be a doctor when he grows up so he can take care of his family and others. 

In his own words: “I am very thankful to God for all of the blessings I have received.  My mother doesn’t have steady work and when she does work she earns very little money.  In spite of tough economic times for everyone, we have continued to receive help from others, especially with our education from the Liceo Cristiano and our ChildHope sponsor.  During this state of emergency with Covid, God has kept and protected us.  The food we received was such a blessing, because sometimes we only eat once a day.  On this day, God knew we had nothing to eat.  My mother cried when she saw the food basket.  May God bless the Liceo Crisiano [school], and everyone who made this help possible for us.”