From Victim to Victor by the Power of Christ!

by Mary Kathleen Mahon, ChildHope President

Poverty is often defined as powerlessness. People who live in poverty feel as though there is nothing they can do to change their situation — or provide a better life for their children. They feel trapped.

Nowhere is this powerlessness more evident than in the lives of children who are vulnerable to abuse. We see it time and again in many of the communities where ChildHope schools are reaching children for Christ.

  • Mothers feel powerless to protect their daughters from abusers because most women in the family have suffered in silence.
  • Girls feel powerless — fearing abuse that everyone knows is happening, but few speak of.
  • Boys feel powerless — wanting to live differently … but surrounded by aggression and violence.

Through your faithful support, our ChildHope schools are working to prevent abuse and minister to those affected by it. Together, we are

  • Shining God’s light into the darkness that hides abuse.
  • Empowering boys and girls to stand for truth.
  • Bringing healing through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Raising up a generation who will not tolerate abuse.

Thank you for providing hope and a transformed future to children living in poverty. You are making a remarkable difference!

[From the April 2019 issue of ChildHope’s Celebrate Hope publication.]